What is the December 2022 Assets Collaboration Project?

The goal is to create at least one original asset that will be gifted to the VGF creative community to use in any and all future projects, for free, with credit. As artists and creatives we all need building blocks to work with, and while there are plenty of both open-source and licensed tools out there for us, this is our chance to create building blocks for each other. Participating in this means that you've made something for someone else, AND created an asset that you can use for yourself!

What Kinds of Assets Can I Contribute?

Here is a list of some example categories that you may choose to contribute to. Please sign up for at least one asset on the sign-up sheet (see below), but if you end up making something a bit different - or making more assets - than what you signed up for, that is a-ok. Note that some of these categories require more effort than others; it is NOT EXPECTED OF YOU to sign up for a more time-consuming option. Only sign up for what is reasonable for you with the time and resources you have!

What Are The Exact Terms Of Use For These?

These will be free for us to use in any and all creative projects down the line. Please credit the individual who produced the asset(s) used in your projects whenever and wherever it is posted publicly (ex: "used background texture made by Keyboard Cat"/"town BGM composed by Booty Butt")



SIGN-UPS ARE LIVE!!! Sign-up sheet is here!


You should be approximately halfway "done" at this point. We will have a check-in in the creative-corner channel to see where everyone is at. If a significant number of people are behind on their check-ins we may extend the deadline.


Final submissions due! Send them directly to me via Discord DM. If there is a unique circumstance re: your deliverable we can discuss alternative means of submission.