The concept of this project is recreating terrible/iconic video game cutscenes. Every participant is encouraged to select a video game cutscene of their liking, the worse and/or cornier the better, as inspiration for their project. Participants are given full artistic freedom in directing their recreations. Examples may include:
- Shooting a stop-motion recreation using Barbie dolls
- Incredibly low-budget live action re-enactment
- Grainy oldschool silent film edit with subtitles
- Mixed media incoherent clusterfuck
- Screen recording of SIMS reenactment
- Surprise me!
We will focus on the video/filming first, and then move to combining the scenes into a collection and scoring as later steps. Folks who want to score their own portion as well are welcome to. Details will be discussed in Discord.
Relevant Dates - Phase 1 (Pre-Planning) - COMPLETE
- 2025-02-17: Finalize Scope & Subject of Project
- 2025-02-25: Finalize Collaboration Participants
Relevant Dates - Phase 2 (Individual Scene Production) - UNDERWAY
- 2025-03-03: Finalize Source Scene Selection
- 2025-03-24: Benchmark 1 - Sketch Phase
- 2025-04-21: Benchmark 2 - Working Prototype
- 2025-05-19: Benchmark 3 - Near-Final Progress Check, Optional Critique Circle
- 2025-06-23: Final Cut Delivery (Score Not Required)
Relevant Dates - Phase 3 (Collective Framing - will be opt-in)
- TBA: Discuss Collective Framing Concept (intro/transitions/overarching "meta" narrative or framing)
- TBA: Benchmark 1 - Framing Thumbnails/Rough
- TBA: Benchmark 2 - Framing Working Prototype
- TBA: Benchmark 3 - Framing Near-Final Progress Check, Critique Circle
- TBA: Framing/Transitions Final Delivery
Relevant Dates - Phase 4 (Film Scoring - will be opt-in)
- TBA: Score Discussion (determine whether each participant will score their own section/interest check for additional composers/etc)
- TBA: Benchmark 1 - Score Sketches
- TBA: Benchmark 2 - Scores ~Halfway Complete
- TBA: Benchmark 3 - Scores Near-Final Progress Check, Optional Critique Circle
- TBA: Score Files Final Delivery
Relevant Dates - Phase 5 (Mastering & Release - headed by ArcanaXIX)
- TBA: Full Film Cut Rough Draft w/Transitions & Credits
- TBA: Critique Circle
- TBA: A/V Mastering
- TBA: Final Critique Circle
- TBA: Final Export
- TBA: Release